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Monday, March 10, 2025

ComicsPRO ’25: Marvel announces plans for MARVEL PREMIER COLLECTION

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Marvel has announced new plans for its MARVEL PREMIER COLLECTION of books. Meant as compact 6 x 9 books to help new audiences catch up on some of its most prestigious and popular storylines, the efforts are being made to be a more accessible entry point for new readers and will continue with three new titles in 2025 with stories for Wolverine, Hawkeye, and Civil War. The format is similar to Manga-sized compacts, perfect for storing in bookshelves, and is in a similar design to DC’s popular Compact Comics. In addition, each book comes with additional features at the end, be-it covers, artwork, or script pages. The price point sits at about $15.00, similar to graphic novel prices, though with some additional features and pages.

You can read more about it below.

Earlier this month, Marvel Comics launched its all-new publishing line, the MARVEL PREMIER COLLECTION, featuring Marvel’s most celebrated and prestigious storylines and creators from its entire comic book legacy, all in a new accessible format. The MARVEL PREMIER COLLECTION will continue with three additional titles later in 2025, including preeminent sagas for WolverineHawkeye, and one of Marvel’s best-selling stories of all-time: Civil War.

The MARVEL PREMIER COLLECTION is designed for anyone looking for the perfect entry point into the Marvel Universe or for the most definitive and quintessential stories behind Marvel’s most popular characters. Curated in honor of the groundbreaking stories and creative forces from the House of Ideas, the MARVEL PREMIER COLLECTION packs Marvel’s iconic stories into a sleek, high-quality, and highly readable format to make Marvel’s stories more accessible than ever before—ideal for Marvel fans across comics, film, television, games, and beyond, both old and new.

In addition to Daredevil: Born Again and Black Panther: A Nation Under Our Feet titles (now available) and the previously announced Captain America: Winter Soldier and Fantastic Four: Solve Everything collections, the Marvel Premier Collection will continue to expand with three titles later this year, including:

    • Civil War, collecting Marvel’s best-selling graphic novel of all time, delivering a high stakes, morally charged battle that fractured the Marvel Universe and altered its course for years to come. Written by Mark Millar (Wolverine: Old Man Logan, Kick-Ass) and drawn by Steve McNiven (Wolverine: Old Man Logan, Death of Wolverine)
    • Wolverine: Old Man Logan, collecting Marvel’s brutal post-apocalyptic thriller of a shattered Wolverine in a dying world. A story so powerful it inspired not one but two critically acclaimed blockbusters – Logan and Deadpool & Wolverine! Written by Mark Millar & Steve McNiven, the legendary duo behind Civil War.
    • Hawkeye: Barton + Bishop, collecting the Eisner Award-winning modern classic that redefined superhero storytelling with its sharp wit, heartfelt narrative, and a revolutionary minimalist style that inspired the Disney+ series. Written by Matt Fraction (Invincible Iron Man, Sex Criminals) and drawn by David Aja (The Immortal Iron Fist, The Seeds).

Don’t miss the next big titles of the MARVEL PREMIER COLLECTION as they hit shelves, wherever books are sold!

Civil War

Civil War coverCivil War cover  

As Avengers allies Captain America and Iron Man clash, it’s time to choose: Whose side are you on? In the wake of a superhuman tragedy, the proposed Superhuman Registration Act requires all costumed heroes to unmask themselves before the government. Divided, the nation’s greatest champions each must decide how to react — a choice that will alter the course of their lives forever. Captain America rejects the Act and goes underground, while Iron Man steps up to spearhead the registration effort — and Marvel’s heroes split right down the middle! The shocking crossover that rewrites the rules, CIVIL WAR stars Spider-Man, the New Avengers, the Fantastic Four, the X-Men and the entirety of the Marvel pantheon.


Written by MARK MILLAR


Cover Art by STEVE McNIVEN

Collects Civil War #1-7

ISBN: 9781302965549

Trim Size: 6” x 9”


On sale August 5, 2025


Wolverine: Old Man Logan

A future world savaged and sundered by super villains, the United States ain’t what it used to be. In California, now a wasteland controlled by the evil Hulk Gang, the former Wolverine seeks to live in peace. He’s retired, finally free from the violence of his former existence as an X-Man — and he wants to keep it that way. If only they’d let him. Logan and an aged, blind Hawkeye are forced into a cross-country jaunt through villain-ruled lands, on a collision course with the worst of them all! Can Old Man Logan maintain his pacifist vow and make his last stand without doing what he does best? Mark Millar and Steve McNiven unite for a riotous romp through a future world of death, despair and dynamic action!


Written by MARK MILLAR


Cover Art by STEVE McNIVEN

Collects Wolverine (1988) #66-72, Wolverine: Old Man Logan Giant-Size (2009) #1

ISBN: 9781302965587

Trim Size: 6” x 9”


On sale September 30, 2025


Hawkeye: Barton + Bishop

Clint Barton, the Avenger known as Hawkeye, fights for justice — and good rooftop BBQs! And with Young Avenger Kate Bishop by his side, it’s double the Hawkeye and double the trouble as they battle digital doomsday, dog detectives, lady problems, murder for money, tracksuited killers and more! It’s cars, guns and videotape as Matt Fraction and David Aja (IMMORTAL IRON FIST) reunite for this exciting, adventurous reimagining of the arrowed Avenger! Plus: Relive Kate’s first meeting with Clint as she learns wanting something can be miles away from actually earning it. And most important, Pizza Dog gets his own story! Can he solve the grisly murder that shocked Team Hawkguy? Who knows! He’s a dog!




Cover Art by DAVID AJA

COLLECTING: Hawkeye (2012) #1-11, Young Avengers Presents (2008) #6

ISBN: 9781302965556

Trim Size: 6” x 9”


On sale November 4, 2025

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